Describing people kelas 7
Mata pelajaran : English
Kelas / Fase : 7A, B fase D
Materi :Describing people
Guru pengampu :Lela utama,S.pd, M.M
Waktu :Kamis, 8 Agustus 2024
Materi tentang "Describing People" untuk kelas 7 bisa mencakup beberapa topik dan kegiatan yang membantu siswa memahami dan menggunakan kata-kata dan frasa yang tepat untuk menggambarkan penampilan fisik dan karakter seseorang. Berikut adalah beberapa poin yang bisa dimasukkan:
1. Vocabulary
- Physical Appearance
( penampilan pisik ) :
tall ( tinggi )
short ( pendek)
medium height ( tinggi sedang / sedang )
thin ( kurus / tipis )
slim (Langsing)
Chubby ( tembam, gemoy )
overweight ( kegemukan )
muscular ( berotot )
fair skin ( kulit putih )
dark skin ( kulit gelap)
straight hair ( rambut lurus)
curly hair ( rambut keriting)
wavy hair (rambut gelombang)
long hair ( rambut panjang)
short hair (rambut pendek)
blue eyes (mata biru)
brown eyes (mata coklat)
Long (Panjang) Round (Bulat)
Short (Pendek) Oval (Bulat Telur)
Shoulder- length (Panjang sebahu) Triangle (Segi tiga)
Straight (Lurus) Square (Persegi)
Wavy (Bergelombang) Long (Panjang)
Curly (Keriting) Moustache (Kumis)
Dark (Gelap) Beard (Jenggot)
Fair (Pirang) Freckles (Bintik-bintik)
Brown (Coklat)
Blonde (Pirang)
Red (Merah)
Bald (Botak)
- Personality Traits ( Ciri ciri kepribadian ) :
friendly (bersahabat)
shy ( pemalu)
introverted ( tertutup suka menyendiri )
extroverted ( terbuka)
kind ( baik)
mean ( berarti )
funny ( lucu )
serious ( serius, sungguh sungguh)
lazy ( malas )
hardworking ( pekerja keras )
smart ( cerdas,pandai) etc.
2. Grammar
- Adjectives: How to use adjectives to describe people
e.g., "She has long hair"
vs. "She is tall").
-Comparatives and Superlatives :
taller, shorter (Comperatives)
the tallest, the shortest, (Superlatives) etc.
- To Be and To Have:
Using "is," "are," "has," and "have" correctly
(e.g., "He is tall"
vs. "He has blue eyes").
3. Activities
- Descriptive Writing:
Writing short paragraphs describing a friend or a family member.
- Speaking Practice:
Pair or group activities where students describe someone and their partner guesses who it is.
- Matching Exercises : Matching descriptions to pictures of people.
- Role Play:
Students take turns describing themselves and others in different scenarios
(e.g., introducing a friend to the class).
4. Cultural Component
- Diversity and Respect
Discussing the importance of respecting different appearances and personalities.
Sample Lesson Plan
Students will be able to describe people using appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Warm-Up (10 minutes)
- Show pictures of different people and ask students to describe them using simple adjectives.
Vocabulary Introduction (15 minutes)
- Introduce and practice key vocabulary related to physical appearance and personality traits.
Grammar Focus (20 minutes)
- Teach and practice using adjectives, comparatives, and superlatives.
- Practice using "to be" and "to have" in sentences.
Main Activity (30 minutes)
- Descriptive writing: Students write a short paragraph describing a person they know.
- Speaking practice: In pairs, students describe a person from their paragraph without naming them, and their partner tries to guess who it is.
Closing (10 minutes)
- Review key vocabulary and grammar points.
- Discuss the importance of respecting diversity in appearance and personality.
Evaluasi/ penugasan
- Ask students to bring a photo of a who fetchesperson they admire and write a description of them for the next class
This structure should provide a comprehensive approach to teaching students how to describe people in English
And the Exercise
Read the following text and answer the questions.
_Sarah is a tall girl with long brown hair and green eyes. She is very friendly and always has a smile on her face. Sarah loves to play soccer and spends most of her weekends at the soccer field. She also enjoys reading books and often visits the library. Sarah has a pet dog named Max, who is very playful._
1. What is the color of Sarah's hair?
a) Black
b) Brown
c) Blonde
d) Red
2. What color are Sarah's eyes?
a) Blue
b) Green
c) Brown
d) Hazel
3. What sport does Sarah love to play?
a) Basketball
b) Tennis
c) Soccer
d) Volleyball
4. Where does Sarah spend most of her weekends?
a) At the mall
b) At the library
c) At the soccer field
d) At the beach
5. What is the name of Sarah's pet dog?
a) Max
b) Sam
c) Jake
d) Leo
Pertemuan ke 1
Peserta didik mengetahui macam macam
(kinds of
Physical Appearance
(penampilan pisik ) and
Personality Traits ( Ciri ciri kepribadian )
Pertemuaan ke 2
Peserta didik mampu
Mengucapkan dan menulis Describing tentang fisik orang
Hadir mem
BalasHapusassalamu'alaikum,mis dinda 7b hadirr