WILLINGNESS KD 3.2.2 dan 4.2.2


Hari/Tgl : Jum'at, 8 Agustus 2023

Kelas : jam ke 4,5 kelas 8A

            jam ke 7,8 kelas 8B

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemampuan dan kemauan, melakukan suatu tindakan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan can, will)

4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemampuan dan kemauan, melakukan suatu tindakan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks


•Siswa dapat memaparkan Ungkapan kemampuaan dan keingginan  melakukan suatu tindakan

•Siswadapat Mengidentifikasi  struktur teks memaparkan kemampuan dan kemauan,keingginan , melakukan suatu tindakan

•Siswa dapat Mengidentifikasi unsur  kebahasaan dalam teks 

•Siswa dapat Menjelaskan ungkapan kemauaan atau keinginan dan kemampuan yg sesuai dengan modal,can,will,Nomina singular dan plural 

•Siswa dapat Menggunakan ungkapan yang tepat dalam struktur teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks memaparkan kemampuan dan kemauan atau keinginan, melakukan suatu tindakan dalam bentuk tulisan

• kemampuan dan kemauan keinginan, melakukan suatu tindakan orang disekitarnya dengan tepat dalam struktur teks yang runtut dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks dalam bentuk tulisan maupun  lisan


Willingness adalah ungkapan keinginan untuk melakukan sesuatu

tonton video berikut untuk mempelajarinya :

vidio ini menjelaskan kind of willingness and unwillingness 
dan siswa bisa mengerti cara mengungkapan keinginan dan tidak ingin

DanUntuk menyatakan itu kita dapat menunjukan Modal will / would yang artinya mau/sedia /akan.

Will dan would  mempunyai kesamaan arti.

Perbedaannya adalah

 Will digunakan untuk bentuk present tense (sekarang)

Whould digunakan untuk bentuk past (lampau) sekaligus untuk menyatakan kalimat dalam bentuk yang lebih sopan (Polait)

Pola umum :

S+ Will/ Whould + V1

S+ Will/ Whould + Not +V1

Will/Whould +S+ V1 ?

Lampiran soal Penilaian aspek Pengetahuan (3.2)

Choose the best answer.

1.Dina is a smart and diligent student. She can … her test easily and always gets one hundred.
a.to do                          b.does                         c. do                           d. doing

2.Vino`s mother is very proud of him because he can … up early himself. She never wakes him up.
a.get                            b. stand                          c. give                       d. go

3.Vera always speaks softly, but she can … very loudly.
a.walk                          b.work                         c. dance                       d. sing

4.A dog … like a bird because … a dog doesn`t have wings.
a.cannot run                b.can`t bark                 c. cannot fly                d. can`t move

5.People can`t swim across the sea but they can … to across it.
a.swim easily               b. make a ship             c. across the sea            d. run quickly

6.Berta : …................................................ ?
Beni      : We can do some experiments there.

a. What we can do in the laboratory

b. What can we do in the laboratory

c. Why we can do some experiments

d. Why can we do some experiments

7.   Which of these sentences is correct?

a. The little child can the stairs go up himself

b. The stairs can go up the little child himself

c. The child can go up the stairs little himself

d. The little child can go up the stairs himself

8.  The girl is still two years old, but she ….

a. can eat herself

b. can cry loudly

c. can`t walk fast

d. can`t drink herself

9.  Which of the sentences below is correct?

a. Why you cannot fly like an eagle?

b. Why can`t you fly like an eagle?

c. Why you can fly like an eagle?

d. Why an eagle cannot fly like you?

10. Ricky can play the guitar but ….

a. He can play the violin

b. He can play the drum, too

c. He can`t play the angklung

d. He cannot plays the gamelan

11. My classmate Angga is very kind. He will … me if I have difficulty in doing my       homework.

a.helps                         b.help                          c. helping                      d. to help

12. Although my father has a lot of work to do, he ….

a.won`t come to my birthday party

b.will not attend the meeting

c.will come to my school to attend the meeting

d.will work from morning until evening

13. Weny : When will you visit your grandparents in Surabaya, Tika?

 Tika      : …. On that day I`m free.

a. Last Sunday


c. Two day ago

d. Next Saturday

14.Dika : Don`t go to my house tonight because I … I`ll go to Semarang with my family.
      Sita       : Okay. I see.

a.won`t be at home

b.will not go anywhere

c.will stay at home

d.will go nowhere

15.Lita : ….............
    Dita       : By train

a.Who will come to you house?

b.Where will you stay during the holiday?

c.What will you do on Sunday?

d.How will you go to Jakarta?

16.Rita : Our parents will … when we get good marks.
     Gita: Of course

a.be happy

b.be disappointed



17.Vita :What will your parents do when you get the first rank, Sherly?
     Sherly   : They will …..................

a.giving a present

b.to take me to Bali

c.lets me go to Safari Park with them

d.buy me a new hand-phone

18. My cousin, Lisa, will come to my house with her younger sister ….

a.Yesterday afternoon

b.Last Sunday

c.Next holiday

d.Last night

19.Tito :How long will you stay in aunt`s house, Ben?
     Beni      : …......................

a.Tomorrow morning

b.About a week

c.Three days ago

d.No, I won`t

20.Teacher : …........... ?
     Students: Sure, Sir.

a.Will your parents proud of you if you get the first rank?

b.Will your parents be sad if you get the first rank?

c.What will your parents do if you get the first rank?

d.Will your parents be happy if you get the first rank?

II. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentences. Start with the underlined word.

able – The – sing – boy – little – is – to – pop songs
your – brother – bicycle – younger – ride – a – himself – ? – Can
will – to – go – With – Bali – whom – you – ?
have – if – will – I – buy – bag – new – money – a -I
come – party – her – will – if – invites – she – you – ? – to

                                              ~ GOOD LUCK ~


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